Eco Church action for the week


Actions for April 2024

7th April 

Today is World Health Day which is dedicated to raising awareness about critical health issues facing the world. The World Health Organisation cites the climate crisis as the single biggest health threat facing humanity. Do what you can to support their campaigns and keep the pressure on our government to meet their net zero targets

14th April

Christ Church is now a Fairtrade Place of Worship. You can learn what this means from Arton Medd from our local Fairtrade Group who will be sharing his experiences  at 10.30 am service, and will be able to purchase some fair trade goods which will be on sale after the service.

21st April

Hedgehogs will be hungry and thirsty when they come out of hibernation. Create hedgehog highways in your garden boundaries to help them hunt for food. You can also provide food and water and leave sticks and dry leaves etc to help with nest building.

28th April

Plants are beginning to grow, birds are nesting and insects such as butterflies and bees are emerging from hibernation. You can support and enjoy the wildlife in your garden by delaying mowing your lawn, leaving some untidy corners and creating a log pile in a shady place.