Welcome to Christ Church

Welcome to our church! We are a group of people of all ages and backgrounds who worship God as part of a lively and serving church.  Our Mission Statement says that we are a vibrant inclusive worshipping community:

vibrant because we are lively and enjoy laughter!

inclusive because everyone is welcome irrespective of age, gender, relationship history, sexual orientation or ethnicity;

worshipping because we believe that God is good and is to be praised;

and finally community, because we are committed to each other and the wider community.

It is very important to us that we are a ‘Child Friendly Church’. This means that babies, children and young people are actively made welcome and encouraged to be part of our church.

We would love to welcome you at any of our services.

We are committed to keeping all safe from harm, as set out in our Safeguarding Policy and on our Safeguarding page. If you have any concerns please contact our Safeguarding Officers, Emma and Debbie.

For details of how Christ Church stores and processes your information see our privacy notice.