Actions for September 2024
1st September
Pope Francis established 1st September as the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, encouraging the Catholic community around the world to pray. Can you add your prayers to this world wide intercession on behalf of creation.
8th September
Celebrate the Harvest season with local food producers, crafts people, artists and musicians at the Harvest edition of Lancaster’s Seasonal Markets next Saturday.
15th September
We are all aware of the devastating effects of the climate crisis around the world and remember those who have lost their harvest through fire, drought or flood. Pray that while there are many difficulties to be resolved in the world, Government leaders keep climate change high on their agendas.
22nd September
During Fairtrade Fortnight we are asked to Be the change, Choose Fairtrade. By doing this you contribute to a fairer, more sustainable future for food production and ensure farmers receive a fairer price for what they grow. You can do this by supporting our sale of Fairtrade goods at our Apple Festival on 28th, 2 to 4 pm.
29th September
Today we give thanks to God for nature and the food from the harvest. The old English word Haerfest means to reap, gather and store what has been grown and we think of our farmers who work hard to do this. Give them your support and be prepared to pay a fair price for their work.