Eco Church action for the week


Actions for July 2024

7th July

The Big Butterfly Count takes place between 12th July and 4th August. Please choose the church garden as one of your survey spots and add to the information we have on our wildlife.

14th July

While you are enjoying your garden this month think how you can make it more wildlife friendly. Just by adding some pollen rich plants and providing water and shelter your garden can become a thriving habitat.

21st July

You can learn how to be more self sufficient by attending Claver Hill Community Farm open day on 27th July 1pm to 4pm at Ridge Lane LA1 3JY.  Join a guided walk and experience the new all accessible nature trail.

28th July

If we want to save the natural world and ultimately ourselves we need to better understand how it works. This summer can you and your family learn more about one of the species that live around you and try to improve its chance of survival.